Ushnishavijaya – Namgyelma (Tib.)


S size 35 X 25 cm – 13. 8″ X 9.8″ inch
M size 50 X 35 cm – 19.7″ X 13.8″ inch
L size 70 X 50 cm – 27.6″ X 19.7″ inch
XL size 100 X 70 cm – 39.4″ X 27.6″ inch

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Material: Canson Edition Etching Rag 310gsm 100% cotton

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Ushnishavijaya – Namgyelma (Tib.)

The uṣṇīṣa crown symbolizes spiritual mastery, a result of the power of the Buddha’s attainment of enlightenment, granting victory even over death. Namgeylma personifies this victorious power. According to legend she arose from the brilliant light rays that shone from the uṣṇīṣa crown on Shakyamuni Buddha’s head, thus being called Ushnisha Tara.

Namgeylma’s primary role is to prolong life and prevent untimely death. This she is said to do through karmic purification, rather than divine intervention. Renowned as the Tara of long life, she also protects beings from falling to the lower realms and is considered one of three important long-life deities: White Tara, Amitayus and Namgeylma, as well as one of the twenty-one Taras.

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