Medicine Buddha – Sangye-Menla (Tib.)


S size 35 X 25 cm – 13. 8″ X 9.8″ inch
M size 50 X 35 cm – 19.7″ X 13.8″ inch
L size 70 X 50 cm – 27.6″ X 19.7″ inch
XL size 100 X 70 cm – 39.4″ X 27.6″ inch

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Material: Canson Edition Etching Rag 310gsm 100% cotton

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Medicine Buddha – Sangye Menla (Tib.)

Medicine buddha, Healing Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance, is one of the most honored figures in the buddhist tradition, revered by Tibetans as the source of Tibetan medicine stating that the fundamental cause of every disease is to be found in the three poisons – ignorance, attachment and hatred, three poisons leading to imbalances and health problems.

Dressed in the robes of a monk, seated in the full lotus position, Medicine Buddha’s left hand is in the meditative gesture – resting in his lap, holding a begging bowl filled with medicinal nectar and fruit. His right hand rests on his knee with palm facing outward in the gesture of granting blessings, holding the stem of a myrobalan plant renowned as the king of medicines due to its effectiveness in treating both mental and physical diseases.

Medicine Buddha has the deep blue color of lapis lazuli, symbolizing purity and rarity and believed to have a curative effect on those who wear it.

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